How to compose and send multiple messages to multiple recipients at once.
Multiple messages to multiples recipients manually can be time consuming and annoying. At, we have solutions that can take absolute care of these issues and reduce the pressure of manually sending messages or sending messages in batches. Here are some steps to send multiple messages to multiple recipients at once using a CSV file.You can send different messages to different recipients at once by uploading the message and recipient list in csv or text format. The right format is shown after the form page. Also, Please note that the first row is expected to be the headers and will not be processed.
- Login to your account on WEBSMS NG and click on Compose Multiple SMS
2. Click on Browse to select your CSV file from your computer. Depending on your choice, your file could be saved in any of the under listed directories.
a. Desktop
b. Document
c. Or your preferred saved location.
3. Select you file and click on “Upload and Send”
Once you have successfully uploaded your file from your account, our server will process your request by filtering for duplicates numbers, invalid numbers and incomplete numbers. Your messages will run in the background and will be delivered to your clients. You will immediately see a response on your account page that indicates that your request has been successfully sent.
With our Compose Multiple SMS function, you can Send personalized text messages from your account to multiple mobile phones. Take advantage of Bulk SMS now! No monthly fees, no contracts, no hidden costs
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